Saturday, September 1, 2012

Tiny living & bicycling

It's been a couple of weeks since I've made an entry into my diary, today I want to talk about my mode of transportation...

I live in a small town on Florida's Treasure Coast & clean houses for a living.  I haven't had a driver's license for a long time because I lived in Philadelphia before I moved here & having a car in a big city with public transportation is kind of a waste of money to me.  I've been riding a bicycle as an adult since getting one to get to work when there was a threat of a transit strike in '03 and have been riding ever since.  Because I haven't had a car or license for so long the cost of insurance would be very high for me.  I like the idea that I'm reducing our household's carbon footprint while also getting free exercise outside in the fresh air.  Another benefit is repair costs, for less than most auto repairs I could buy a new bike if need be.

I think that I'll be riding a bike, and later on an adult tricycle, for the rest of my life.  It's a very sustainable mode of transportation & has lots of benefits.  It's nice to be able to really look at scenery & get fresh air & exercise while going to work or to run errands.

With this in mind I'm aware that I'll need to find a piece of land that's within a reasonable distance of grocery stores, pharmacies, libraries, etc...  I also want to live close to a flea market or farmer's market so I can have a table to sell the beaded jewelry & tote bags that I make for a small income.  That way I'll have the money I'll need to live on, although I don't anticipate needing that much because I already live very frugally on about $1200 a month or so...

I really love the idea of living tiny using solar & wind power, composting, having a vegetable/fruit garden & some fruit trees.  I'm also thinking about raising chickens for eggs & a great source of protein.  I can picture myself on my tiny solar homestead, working the earth, planting, harvesting, canning, collecting eggs, etc...  It just seems like such a peaceful, productive way to spend the last 30 or so years of my life.

Being able to slow down & enjoy my life will be a very welcome change for me after my youngest daughter is out on her own, it'll be nice to not have to worry about keeping up a 2 bedroom apartment!!

In conclusion, I feel that continuing to ride a bike for transportation will add to living a more sustainable lifestyle!!

What are some of your thoughts about this subject?  I'd really love to get some feedback about it...

Just thought I'd add a link to an eBay listing for plans to build a bike trailer that has a solar generator built in.  I could use this for carrying stuff to the flea market for selling & always be able to have my cell phone, laptop, and handheld TV fully charged!  It's here

It would also be great to take a cooler & stuff to the beach or on a bike camping trip...

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